Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University

The Wang lab is based in the Division of Nutritional Sciences (DNS) at Cornell University in Ithaca. We opened in March 2023 and are steadily gaining momentum in establishing our research. We use molecular biology, genetics and animal models to dissect how our metabolism gives rise to chemicals that damage our DNA.

We are well supported in DNS and Cornell to achieve our research goals. We are surrounded by an active Cornell community with research interest in metabolism, cancer biology and genome integrity.

Wang Laboratory

  • Our laboratory is situated in Kinzelberg Hall, occupying 1,232 sq. ft. of newly renovated laboratory space with eight general laboratory benches sufficient to support 8 - 12 research scientists, a 159 sq. ft. room dedicated for cell culture work, and a 106 sq. ft. room dedicated for the operation of my mass spectrometer.

  • All our laboratory space operates under Biosafety level 2 standards to enable handling of human samples and lentivirus.

Cell Culture

  • Dedicated Wang lab BSL2 tissue culture room for cell lines, primary cells, lentivirus generation and CRISPR screens.

  • Beckman Coulter Vi-CELL XR Cell Viability Analyzer

  • AMG Evos Fluorescent Microscope

  • Thermo Fisher Scientific Neon™ Transfection System

  • Lonza™ Nucleofector™ Transfection 2b Device

Mass Spectrometry

  • Dedicated Wang lab BSL2 room housing our mass spectrometer.

  • We operate our own SCIEX M5 MicroLC with Triple Quad 7500 LC-MS/MS QTRAP Ready instruments for metabolomics and DNA damage detection.

Flow Cytometry

  • Cytek Aurora CS Full Spectrum flow cytometer sorter.

  • Dedicated use for all members of Division of Nutritional Sciences.

Animal Facilities

  • Our mice are housed in the Weill Hall barrier facility staffed with animal husbandry staff, veterinarian technicians, and veterinarians.

  • All our mice are maintained in micro-isolator cages under virus/pathogen-free conditions.

  • We have access to 16 state-of-the-art Sable Systems Promethion Metabolic Screening cages used to quantify mouse movement, food/water intake, metabolism, and substrate (carbohydrate and lipid) utilization.

Divisional Facilities and Equipment

  • Human Nutrition Chemistry Service Laboratory - Analysis of human and mouse blood biochemistry, biomarkers, complete blood counts, haematinics. Dedicated LC-MS for serum metabolomics.

  • Human Metabolic Research Unit - Facility and specialized equipment for conducting human metabolic and dietary studies.

  • Shimadzu TQ8030 GC-MS/MS mass spectrometer for stable isotope tracer experiments and metabolomics measurements.

  • Agilent Seahorse XF Analyzer

  • Agilent Lionheart automated microscope

  • Confocal microscopy

Cornell Core Facilities